Runestone Electric Association (REA) District Meetings were held on February 11, 12 and 13 to nominate candidates to the REA Board of Directors.
Nomination results include:
District 1 – Gary (Andy) Anderson (Incumbent), Parkers Prairie, representing Burleene, Carlos, Eastern, Miltona, Parkers Prairie, Spruce Hill and Wykeham Townships in Douglas, Otter Tail and Todd Counties.
District 3 – Three candidates were nominated for a one-year term to complete Director Audrey Hjelle’s term. Mrs. Hjelle passed away in June 2024. The candidates are Glenn Hjelle, Elbow Lake; Lori Sommers, Barrett; and Jon Winter, Hoffman. The elected candidate will represent Aastad, Darnen, Delaware, Donnelly, Eagle Lake, Elbow Lake, Elk Lake, Erdahl, Evansville, Framnas, Gorton, Hodges, Land, Lien, Logan, Lund, Macsville, Pelican Lake, Pomme De Terre, Rendsville, Roseville, Sanford, Stoney Brook, St. Olaf, Swan Lake, and Tumili Townships in Douglas, Grant, Otter Tail and Stevens County.
District 4 – Dave Staples (Incumbent), Kensington representing Brandon, Holmes City, Moe, Solem and Urness townships in Douglas County.
Members can also be nominated by petition (15 member signatures required) up to 15 days following the District Meeting. Qualified candidates are placed on the ballot for that district.
“District meetings are the democratic process where REA members nominate candidates for the Board of Directors to represent their district,” said REA CEO Al Haman. Haman’s report to the members covered where REA’s power comes from, explaining three factors of our wholesale power cost – capacity, energy, and transmission. He also discussed the wholesale power cost adjustment, how its recent increase impacts our members, and shared items from the 2025 budget designed to enhance local reliability. CEO Haman then answered questions from the members.
Results of the director election will be announced at the REA Annual Meeting on April 23, 2025, at Alexandria Area High School’s Performing Arts Center. REA members will receive annual meeting materials the end of March. For more information, please contact REA at (800) 473- 1722.
Runestone Electric Association is a member-owned cooperative serving over 15,400 accounts in the rural areas of Douglas, Pope, Grant, Stevens, Ottertail, Stearns, and Todd counties.
Click on the image below to see more photos from the meeting.