Enjoy a meal, nominate directors, and visit with neighbors!

District Meetings offer REA members an opportunity to have a light meal, nominate one or more candidates for the office of director, learn more about their electric cooperative, talk with their elected representatives, and visit with neighbors. In addition, all members in attendance will have their name entered in a drawing to win door prizes. We look forward to seeing you!

Please RSVP by calling REA at 800-473-1722, emailing rea@runestoneelectric.com, or on our Facebook event.

District 1 Map

District One

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Miltona Community Center
5590 Co Rd 14 NE, Miltona

5:30 p.m. Light Meal
6:00 p.m. Meeting

Map to Miltona Community Center: 

District 3 Map

District Three

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Hoffman Community Center
127 Main Ave, Hoffman

5:30 p.m. Light Meal
6:00 p.m. Meeting

Map to Hoffman Community Center:

District Map

District Four

Thursday, February 13, 2025

West Moe Lutheran Church
16249 Co Rd 8 NW, Brandon

5:30 p.m. Light Meal
6:00 p.m. Meeting

Map to West Moe Lutheran Church:

What is required to be a REA Director?

REA Bylaws Article III, Section 7. Director Qualifications.

No person shall be eligible to become or remain a director of the Cooperative who:

(a) is not a bona fide member of the Cooperative receiving electric service from the Cooperative in the district that the director represents or would represent if elected;

(b) is not a bona fide resident of the district from which he or she is elected or for which he or she is a candidate; (bona fide resident shall be defined as occupying and continuously and materially purchasing electric service at a location within any director district from which the director is elected or for which he or she is a candidate for at least nine (9) months each calendar year);

(c) is in any way employed by or substantially financially interested in an enterprise substantially competing with the Cooperative or any Cooperative-affiliated business;

(d) within five (5) years preceding a director candidate’s nomination was or during service on the Board of Directors is adjudged to be guilty of a felony;

(e) within five (5) years preceding a director candidate’s nomination was a full-time employee of the Cooperative;

(f) within five (5) years preceding a director candidate’s nomination was an employee of a statewide association of electric cooperatives, an electric generation and transmission cooperative, or any other entity in which an electric cooperative is a member.

(g) within five (5) years preceding a director candidate’s nomination or during his or her term if elected was or becomes employed by a labor union which represents, has represented, or has endeavored to represent any employee of the cooperative;

(h) is a close relative* of an incumbent who is not up for reelection at that time;

(i) is a close relative* of an employee of the Cooperative;

(j) is or becomes the full-time employee or agent or, who is or becomes the full-time employer or principal of, another director;

(k) does not have the capacity to enter legally binding contracts;

(l) is absent from three or more regular meetings (“Unexcused Absences”) of the Board of Directors during any consecutive twelve month period, unless excused for good cause (an “Excused Absence”) by the Board. If a director participates in more than one regular meeting during any consecutive twelve month period by electronic communication, that director shall be considered absent from that meeting for purposes of determining the number of the director’s Unexcused Absences, unless the attendance by electronic communication is approved for good cause by the Board.

*A “close relative” is a person who is by blood, law, or marriage (including half, step, foster, and adoptive relations) a child, grandchild, parent, grandparent, or sibling); or is a spouse or resides in the same residence.

A member that is an authorized farm corporation or family farm corporation may select an individual member residing on or actively operating the farm to be eligible for election to the board.