Audrey Hjelle

We are sad to announce that Audrey Hjelle, of Barrett, died on June 13, 2024, after a courageous battle with cancer.

“Audrey was smart, witty, funny, and a good friend. She was an all-around awesome lady!” said REA Board President Andy Anderson. “Audrey paved the way for women on boards, boards traditionally consisting of only men.”

Audrey served on the REA Board of Directors since 1996. “Audrey’s commitment and dedication to REA included serving as president, vice president, and secretary and representing REA on the Great River Energy Board of Directors, said REA CEO Al Haman. “ Her get things done attitude was always welcome in the board room and you never had to wonder about Audrey’s position on a topic!”

“If there is a silver lining, Audrey’s hard work and good decision-making have laid the foundation and paved the way for REA to provide electricity for our members for years to come. Audrey’s leadership and friendship will be missed,” said Anderson. “Until we meet again, RIP, my friend!”